How do I purchase?
You can buy directly from the website using the cart function, or if buying in person, we are able to process cash, credit cards, and checks.
What are the plant sizes?
- LS= leaf span. This is a measure from the tip of one leaf across to the tip of a leaf on the other side of the plant (think "Diameter" if the plant was a circle)
- Small seedling= usually several years away from blooming size
- Large seedling= a seedling that is further along, but not quite near blooming size yet. Expected to be blooming size in the next 24 months or so
- NBS= expected to be blooming size/capable of blooming in the next 12 months
- BS= big/mature enough to bloom. Should be able to bloom in next season if cultural conditions are appropriate.
Can I combine orders to fill up a box?
Orders will only be combined when a customer has placed multiple orders during the same shipment period- in other words, combining subsequent orders that have been placed prior to the shipment of the first box/order.
At time of purchase for the second (or more) order, we are now requiring customers to pay for shipping an additional time when they checkout BUT any "overage" from what you are charged for shipping will be refunded at time that your shipping label is created.
For example:
Order "A" placed, shipping cost $10 + Order "B" placed, shipping cost $10 = $20 total shipping paid --> combined shipment of "A + B" only cost us $14 --> so $6 refund would be sent back for difference in shipping paid. We ship at cost- not to make a profit.
Why do we do this? Well, it's because we were having a hard time tracking people down for their custom shipping quotes for combined orders, which in turn, lead to other orders being delayed in shipping out as we were otherwise occupied. At one point in time we had a "combine shipping with existing order" option available at checkout, however too many customers who did not previously pay for shipping would select it and then we either had to 1) try to get shipping costs paid for separately or 2) cancel the order, both scenarios still detracting from time available to pull/pack orders or our other plant maintenance.
Is your nursery open to the public for in-person shopping?
No, the nursery is not open for in-person shopping. Pickups in person may be arranged if Dr. Bill's Orchids is attending a show or event and you preorder your plants to be picked up at that event.