
Next Shipping Dates:

Orders must be submitted and paid by THURSDAY 5PM prior to the next shipping date to allow time for pulling/packing, orders received after the cutoff will go out the following shipping week (example order placed 5/30 will go out wk of 6/3, after that will go out wk of 6/10). Payments received after this deadline will be sent on the next shipping date. To add additional plants to your box- see Shipping policy page for more details. Plant costs and Shipping invoices must be paid before any/all orders will be sent.

Anticipated future shipping dates (weather conditions permitting):

-week of 2/3 for non-plant shipments

So what are we all about?

Step into the exotic world of orchids, aroids, and other plants with Dr. Bill's Orchids nursery. Discover rare finds for collectors and beginners alike!